How Mental Health Can Affect Your Sleep

The relationship between sleep and your mental health is multifaceted, and further research is needed to explore the various factors that influence sleep and the associated conditions. Many factors can affect sleep, from the amount of sleep you get each night to specific mental health conditions and neurodevelopmental disorders. Depression is a common condition with around 300 million sufferers worldwide. Almost half of the depressed people suffer from some form of insomnia, and many also suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness or hypersomnia.

A study found that two hours of delayed sleep could stifle positive emotions and exacerbate the effect over the course of a day. This phenomenon may be triggered by even mild emotional disturbances, such as worrying about tomorrow or ruminating about the past. People with psychiatric disorders are especially prone to this vicious cycle. In the meantime, sleep deprivation can have serious consequences on your mental health so the connection between the two is very strong, and you can not improve one without the other. mental health

Insomnia is a common problem for many people around the world. While the relationship between depression and insomnia is not completely understood, it is well-established that sleep disorders can increase the risk of developing psychiatric illnesses. Moreover, lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of suicidal thoughts. It’s no surprise that the link between sleep and mental health is more prominent than ever before.


Among the mental health issues that affect your sleep are depression and PTSD. Those with depression should seek treatment for their insomnia separately. Those suffering from anxiety disorders should get psychiatric help and medication to help them sleep better. Those suffering from panic and obsessive-compulsive disorder are also prone to sleep problems. They may experience repetitive, racing thoughts, night terrors, or even flashbacks. Since the connection between mental health and sleep is very important, we should all pay more attention to our sleep patterns and make time to relax even with busy schedules and full lives. Good night’s sleep should come first when it comes to maintaining our health.